The Reason Behind The Lone Crow Attacks In CIT Has Been Revealed

Yesterday news broke of a lone crow attacking staff and students of Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) in a campus car park. The crow scratched and pecked at a man who was walking through the area and 15 plus other victims have stepped forward. The attack was believed to be unprovoked until now. Here's a picture of the reason behind the "crow" attacks:
The Cork Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals discovered that the jackdaw, not a crow, was protecting a young chick that had fallen to the ground. The CSPCA believe the jackdaw either fell from its nest or was pushed by a sibling. The parent of the jackdaw continued to defend and feed the bird. If a human came in contact with the young jackdaw the adult would react in the same way any elder protects their young. In a post on Facebook CSPCA named the jackdaw Jack and had the following to say:
This little guy and its parents have been causing quite a stir over the past day or so with reports of people being buzzed overhead on the campus of CIT. So to prevent panic and a mass evacuation of the city, we headed over to see what all the fuss was about.
Jack had fallen from its nest by either being too adventurous or got pushed by fellow siblings, when on the ground its parents were continuing to feed but also defend and protect it from anything that gets too close including humans, they were doing exactly what any other parent...would do in the same circumstancesAs the nest could not be located, jack will now be fostered and will do quite well for itself and we are glad to report that calm has now been restored to our fair city.
The great mystery of 2017 has finally been solved and we can all take our tin hats off! An Irish version of The Birds might have been fun for a little while...