'Making A Murderer' Lawyer To Guest Lecture At Irish University

University of Limerick will welcome Making a Murderer lawyer Dean Strang as a guest lecturer this month.
The defence lawyer who represented Steven Avery in the hit Netflix documentary series, is to lead a six week module of lectures at the University's law school starting on February 10.
Commenting on the announcement, Mr Strang said:
The University of Limerick has given me the chance of a lifetime: to immerse myself in an Irish law school for nearly two months, and to learn about how law is taught and lived in Ireland. I will have chances to hear and meet Irish students, professors, lawyers and judges and to consider questions that daily law practice either crowds out or omits.
Professor Shane Kilcommins, Head of the School of Law, University of Limerick, welcomed the announcement, saying:
Dean Strang has a unique perspective on the US legal system and a very valuable contribution to make to our understanding of the relationship between the legal profession and the citizen. His last visit to Ireland provoked a lot of interest and discussion – I am delighted that law students at UL will have the opportunity to learn from Strang’s insights and to share with him their legal perspectives from Ireland and Europe. I'm confident that the interaction will be a rich one
Dean Strang was a major player in the 2015 true crime series, which saw Steven Avery convicted of the murder of Teresa Halbach. The Wisconsin man had previously been unjustly imprisoned for sexual assault and after 18 years, was exonerated by DNA. Two years later, Avery was charged with the murder of Halbach and Making a Murderer highlighted flaws in the criminal justice system.
Looking at the role of the defence lawyer Dean Strang will discuss ‘How can you defend those people?’ He will be joined onstage by Mark Nicholas, a Senior Counsel and an expert in criminal law and will provide insight from an Irish perspective. A Q&A session with Dean Strang, Mark Nicholas and audience members will follow. Tickets are available here.
This isn't Mr Strang’s first visit to Ireland – last year, the lawyer conducted an Irish university lecture tour and gave a public talk in Limerick at the invitation of the UL Law Society.
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