Dundalk IT Students Told They Must Resit Exam After It Was 'Compromised'

It's the point your college life has been building up to, your final year exams. All other exams that you've fretted about up until now were merely for practice to get to this point. The exams that ultimately decide your fate, will you be free for summer or have the dreaded repeats. Knowing the gravity of the situation, you take your place in the crowded hall, neatly align your pens at the top of the desk and observe the anxious faces around you. You receive your exam paper and you frantically write until one of two things happen, you hand cramps up and resembles some form of claw and you can write no more or your times up. As you exit the exam hall you breathe a sigh of relief, whether it went your way or not, it's done, you're free.
Imagine being told a week later that you have to go through the whole process again and resit the exam. Well, such was the situation for final-year agriculture students in Dundalk Institute of Technology. The unfortunate students have been told that they all must retake the exam after it was "compromised" due to students gaining access to the exam questions beforehand.
The exam in question was for the end of year exam for a Farm Management module. The students that took the exam were informed by the college the final test "is now void" due to the “breach of examination security”.
Dundalk Institute of Technology has launched an investigation into how the students gained access to the exam questions before the exam. In a statement, the Head of the School of Health and Science, Dr Edel Healy, said this approach the most appropriate and fair course of action.
The exam resit is due to take place today. To the agriculture students taking the same exam twice, our thoughts are with you.