Ireland's Top University Subject Has Been Revealed

As impossible as it may be to believe, there are still some things going on in the world that bear little, if any, relation to the fact that there is some snow outside. One of those things is the release of the QS University World Rankings by subject.
Like the great explorer, Edmund Hilary, I will battle gamely through biting polar winds, ignoring the whirling snow and grueling hail while trying to achieve my true goal. In this instance that true goal is not 'becoming the first person to summit Mt. Everest', but is instead the far more achievable 'bringing you a comprehensive analysis of how Irish universities performed by subject in the QS University World Rankings'. Also like Hillary I will be accompanied by a dashing young Nepalese sherpa throughout this endeavour, however the dynamics of our relationship are not fit to be disclosed in what is, ostensibly, a family-oriented publication.
The QS University World Rankings have released their 2018 subject rankings which, as will surprise no-one, provide an international ranking of college courses by subject.
With 11 subjects placing in the top 100 of their respective rankings, arts and humanities are broadly Ireland's best represented courses.
However, Ireland's most successful individual subject by far is nursing - insofar as how it is taught at university level. Four Irish nursing courses featured in the top 100, making it the best represented Irish course.
The subject taught by an Irish university which achieved the best individual ranking was veterinary science in UCD, which was ranked at 24th.
Only two Irish universities had subjects within the top 50, Trinity (4) and UCD (2). UCD's other subject was nursing, at 31st. Trinity's four top 50 subjects in their respective fields were nursing at 25th - which was Ireland's highest ranked nursing course, English at 28th, classics & ancient history at 28th and politics and international studies at 43rd.
H/T: The Irish Times