
Here's Why Having A College Degree Is Apparently So Important In Ireland

Irish college graduates earn more from their qualifications than those who hold similar degrees in other countries. Data from the OECD show that graduates can expect higher lifetime earnings than those without a degree, and this gulf is widest in Ireland.

1843 magazine reports that this is because we have a high gross domestic product per head and growing economic inequality since the year 2000 the unemployment rate for under-35s has risen to 8% for those holding degrees, but the figure is 20% for those with no qualifications. Those with college qualifications get a large portion of the country's wealth.

Low income taxes help push us up the rankings; graduates in countries with high taxation, such as Nordic countries have a smaller gap between them and their non-degree holding brethren. Another factor is that the general population is well-educated so they aren't in as much demand.

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