Cringe: Reese Witherspoon Did The Most American Thing When She Found Out She's Irish

There's few things in life more annoying than an American, except an American who says they're Irish. If we had a dollar for every time we heard an American say their great grandmother's uncle's cousin's sister was Irish, we'd be millionaires. But when they're actually very Irish? It's another 'nutha level of crazy. Cue Reese Witherspoon who just did one of those DNA tests your friend's weird mum always wants you to try, and she found out she's 63% Irish. Most people would be like "OK cool" but Irish Reese Witherspoon was VERY EXCITED.
The peppy actress was a guest on Conan O'Brien overnight and told him this very fascinating news. Conan's family is Irish so he knows all too well what can happen when an American starts talking about their laughable claim to Irish heritage. He tries to calm her down but Reese was too far gone. She launched into an Irish accent, claiming Conan should be on the flag, saying being Irish explains so much about her and ... you get the point.
Just watch this and prepare to cringe hard: