
Irish Students Are Being Warned About A Dangerous Rent Scam

Gardaí are warning students in Cork City about a rent scam that could catch people out for the second year in a row, where some people were duped into paying large deposits to scam artists who are pretending to be renting out a property.

Ahead of the new college year, Chief Superintendent, Gerard Dillane said, 'This happened last year and we want to warn people that these con artists could do it again.'

As the Irish Examiner reports, these scammers post ads online for properties, with some even giving would-be renters tours of the interior, before scarpering when the person has paid them the deposit.

Gardaí have advised to never pay a prospective landlord with cash, via Western Union or through wire transfer. By lodging a deposit into a bank account it great increases the person's traceability and therefore makes it much harder to pull of these types of scams. Of course with such a demand for accommodation these days, people are arriving with their deposit and first month's rent on hand so while one may be eager to secure a place to rent, it's vitally important to remain vigilant.

Also Read: 7 Ways You Can Easily Solve Your Student Housing Personal Crisis

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