Today Hundreds Of Leaving Cert Students Will Get An Upgrade After Appealing Exams

The State Examinations Commission (SEC) process led to upgrades in 1,453 papers after thousands of students appealed their exams. Today hundreds of applicants can expect a late college offer or their first offer after the re-checks.
Of the 5,157 candidates that appealed their exams, only five grades were downgraded.
A surprise was in store for some students who chose to not appeal their grade. 18 higher level chemistry candidates were given an upgrade after a decision was made to allow a particular answer about the relative atomic mass of an element.
Some 208 higher level chemistry scripts, within three marks of the next grade, were reviewed and 18 candidates who had not appealed their results received an upgrade.
In September, Rebecca Carter, an 18-year-old student from Wexford, won a case she took against the State Examinations Commission after she was issued incorrect results in one of her Leaving Cert papers.
The case resulted in a reform on marking examinations which are set to come into effect in 2019.