Leaving Cert Stats Breakdown: A Record Number Of People Have Received Maximum Points

How's it looking for this year's students?
Today's the day that almost 60,000 students (or almost 58.550 to be more specific) will find out how they did in the big LC. A lot more students tried their hand at Higher Level subjects this year and while the results are said to be in line with grades from previous years, according to examinations.ie 'The shift in candidature to Higher Level consequentially has had some impact on the results profiles at both Higher and Ordinary level.'
13 students will be skipping for joy after achieving the maximum points in their Leaving Cert. The super smart pupils got 8 H1s across all their subjects, eclipsing last year's bunch of seven students who got the top score.
This year's Leaving Cert also saw a new grading system so instead of A1, A2 marks, pupils are getting H1, H2 etc. While there is not major shift, it appears that students fared better in the higher papers last year. The top grade in Higher Level Maths is on the up, with 5.8% of students getting a H1 compared to 5.6% who got an A1 last year. Higher Level English and Irish seems to have dipped a little with 2.9% obtaining a H1 in English (3.2% got an A1 last year) and 5.2% getting a H1 in Irish compared to 5.4% who got an A1 in 2016.
30% of the total students took higher Maths, meeting the Government’s target for 2020.
The new grading system allows pupils to secure points for College applications if they obtain between 30 and 39% in higher papers. Along with students receiving results for the traditional Leaving Cert, 2,773 pupils hve secured results for the Leaving Cert applied exams.