Gardai Investigating Disgusting RAG Week Vandalism At Mary I College

The filth of some people, I tell ya what. Overnight some Mary Immaculate College students in Limerick vandalised the college and urinated on college property while drunk during this week's RAG Week. Gross.
These three eejits have yet to be caught by Gardaí, who are now probing into the matter, reports The Independent. The damage was caused in a lecture room, with furniture and computers smashed up, as well as urine on the floor.
Gardaí at Henry Street are looking at CCTV footage to identify the offenders, who could be expelled if found and charged.
Mary I is now rethinking its policy of allowing a bar on campus during RAG Week. Wow, thanks for ruining it for the rest of the good people, you jerks.
If you have any information, contact the Gardaí.