Mattie McGrath's 'Fat Lady' Comment About Abortion Committee Chairperson Sparks Outrage

People are up in arms about TD Mattie McGrath's 'fat lady' comment regarding the Chairperson of the abortion committee, Catherine Noone.
The controversy all started when TD McGrath was discussing the Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment with the media earlier today. He said:
"The fat lady hasn't sang here yet and I'm not talking about the chairperson of the committee or anybody like that," he said, adding "best not to say it like that."
Mattie McGrath commenting on abortion committee. “The fat lady hasn’t sung here....and I don’t mean the Chairperson” of the committee
— Sean Defoe (@SeanDefoe) December 13, 2017
He then went on to say. "I'm just saying that as an old saying. It's up to the electorate."
Mr. McGrath got absolutely roasted by people on Twitter, with many branding the TD an 'idiot' for making such a remark.
This is repugnant behaviour from anyone let alone an elected representative. Utterly nasty stuff from Mattie McGrath. Actually disgusted by this. #8committee
— Una Power (@unapower) December 13, 2017
The absolute state of Mattie McGrath
— kitty (@redlemonader) December 13, 2017
That's the kind of personal remark you expect from complete swine like Donald Trump - and Mattie McGrath. Naturally, his target was a woman. It's clear that he hates women and is too cowardly to say anything like that to a man, because he'd likely go home with his eye in a sling.
— David Quim (@quim_david) December 13, 2017
Mattie McGrath: The fat lady hasn’t sang yet and I’m not talking about the chairperson.
Jesus Christ. #8Committee— Daithi (@tvcritics) December 13, 2017
If Mattie McGrath can say such nonsense about @senatornoone , a woman in incredible shape,imagine what he must say about pregnant women.
— Buon Natale ? (@NatBatsx) December 13, 2017
As my dear Granny used to say ' What do you expect from a pig, only a grunt'. Awful comments but nothing Mattie McGrath says surprises me anymore.
— Claire McCallion (@ClaireMcCallion) December 13, 2017
I've scraped bits of dog shite off my shoe that have more class than Mattie McGrath
— St. Mickolas (@bassmastashadez) December 13, 2017
Mattie McGrath keeping his comments, and his beliefs, firmly in the past. You stay classy, Mattie.
— Greg Murphy ? (@TheGregMurphy) December 13, 2017
Mattie McGrath is an idiot. To think he speaks for people
— Ray Minehane (@RayMinehane) December 13, 2017
Just saw the Mattie McGrath comment - and that's enough Twitter for the day.
— Kevin Clarke (@kevjclarke) December 13, 2017
Mattie McGrath attending #8committee
— Dáiligh (@Dailigh) December 6, 2017
The last we heard, Mr. McGrath has since contacted Ms. Noone to apologise for his remarks. Ms. Noone has said she will not respond to the comments and will not dignify them with a reply.