Brexit Campaigner Set To Receive Award From Trinity College

Nigel Farage, the infamous former leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP), is set to be given an award by the College Historical Society of Trinity College Dublin.
According to Trinity News, Auditor of the society of History Paul Molloy revealed that Farage will visit the campus in early 2018. The ceremony will take place in January or February and Farage will be awarded the society's Gold Medal. Molloy stated:
The Hist is presenting the Gold Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Public Discourse to Nigel Farage for his role as a public figure in and leadership during the Brexit campaign which has resulted in one of the biggest developments in post-war European foreign relations.
Farage, who is known for making comments like "we believe the best people to come from Britain are the Brits themselves " masterminded UKIP's successful Brexit campaign, & whose views land on the extreme right of the political spectrum.
Students have contested the visit of right-wing or 'anti-establishment' figures to TCD in previous years and no doubt Farage's visit will spark outrage once again.