A 71-Year-Old Irish Man Has Been Evicted From His Home One Week Before Christmas

"Cardboard boxes, black bags, and plastic containers hold the contents of his life"...
The accommodation crisis in Ireland is not just a temporary problem or one that impacts young people alone. Older people are losing their homes at a staggering rate as Ireland's ageing population continues to grow.
Today 71-year old man called Frank spoke on the Morning Ireland radio show with presenter Cian Mc Cormick. Listeners took to social media to share their heartbreak and outrage over Frank's story of facing homelessness at Christmas:
Heartbreaking listening to @cian_mccormack's interview on @morningireland with 71 year old Frank who is being evicted from his home this wk and faces moving to a B&B. His belief the system will take care of him and praise of those officials helping him so admirable.
— Laura Fitzgerald (@Laura_Fitzer) December 15, 2017
Listening to Frank on @morningireland was heart breaking #RTE. Underlining how important it is to remember single people in the homeless crisis. 71yo still working to pay rent
— Siobhan Lydon (@SiobhanLydon) December 15, 2017
Following so much news & current affairs I was starting to fear I was becoming less affected by stories of homelessness but I sobbed in the car listening to Frank this morning
— Laura Fitzgerald (@Laura_Fitzer) December 15, 2017
Well done to @ALONE_IRELAND highlighting housing crisis for older people @morningireland. 115 people over 65 are in emergency homeless shelters - 50% up on last year. @FocusIreland
— Mike Allen (@MikeAllenFI) December 15, 2017
Frank has one week to leave his "small two bedroom" home which he started renting seven years ago. Frank describes "circumstances" and his landlord as his reason for having to leave. Paying €1,250 euro a month for the accommodation, Frank's pension is €125 euro a month. Surviving off odd jobs, Frank has to rely on conditions like the weather to get work.
Frank's story is one of perseverance and he doesn't want to be a burden to society. Frank maintains a positive outlook and his perseverance is even more heartbreaking considering his position.
Frank has been approved for HAP (Housing Assistance Payment) and is on a house list but both attempts have been frugal. Single bed apartments in Dublin's City Centre are retailing for over €1,200, a near impossible amount for people in their retirement. Frank still belives in the system and speaks overwhelmingly in favour of Dublin's City Council.
So far Frank has been told he may end up having a home at Christmas but it's more likely he will be placed in a B&B. Trying to hold back tears, Frank hopes that by January he will be given a permanent home and still believes in the system - heartbreakingly so.
Chief executive of Sean Moynihan, Alone, spoke on the radio show and highlighted the important fact that there are so many people in Frank's position who will be homeless this Christmas:
People don't realise that Frank's stories could any of our stories... Over 50% of people over the age of 55 do not buy (a home) and the numbers are going up everyday.
According to Sean, HAP and payments from the Government aren't working for older people as landlords are choosing to rent to younger employed tenants.
To listen to the Franks full devastating interview click here.