
A List Of People Were Incredibly Sound During Storm Ophelia

Storm Ophelia wreaked havoc throughout all of yesterday, hitting the west of the country particularly hard.

As the day has progressed we saw a lot of good samaritans extend an olive branch to those who were affected by the bad weather.

Here's a list of some of the nice gestures that have been brought about in the wake of the storm:

Weatherspoons in Carrickfergus offering shelter, tea & coffee and hot water:

The Islamic Cultural Centre of Ireland aka The Mosque in Clonskeagh opened it's doors to the homeless and the general public:

Marnic House B & B Ballyhaunis:

Vienna Woods Hotel in Cork:

Peter McVerry Trust also implores anyone sleeping rough to contact one of there centres:

Homelessness charity Depaul will also be keeping its four emergency hostels open 24 hours for the duration of the storm.

St Patrick's Church in Belfast has also opened it's doors to the homeless:

All of the doctors, nurses and everyone else working with the emergency services as well as Met Eireann trying to keep us informed of any potential dangers.

And finally, the ESB who no doubt have a mountain of work ahead of them repairing Ireland's electrical faults.

It's nice to see so many organisations lending a hand to those less fortunate in the wake of the devastating weather.

See Also: Dramatic Footage Of Storm Blowing The Roof Off School In Cork

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