#Pumpkinbutt Is The New Absurd Social Media Trend
This one really takes the biscuit. Mothers and Fathers have started to hop on the absurd new #pumpkinbutt craze.
The phenomenon is when a parent uploads a picture to social media of their naked baby with a pumpkin painted over their rear. This is the end times people.
I would have thought parents would have been slightly more cautious when uploading naked pictures of their babies to the internet but hey, what do I know.
The trend surely could have been #pumpkinface, or #pumpkintummy? But no, the executive decision was made to plague the internet with pictures of naked babies with arses painted like baboons! Baboons I tell ya!
I can just imagine the conversations in 10 years time:
"Mam, why is there a bunch of pictures of my naked arse plastered all over the internet?"
"Ah, son it was a bit of a trend back in the day, got a heap of likes off it"
"Can I go live with Dad?"
Now I'm all for embarrassing family photos, but only if they are for the viewing of your blood relatives.
If we let things like pumpkin butt go unchecked how long will it be until we see #cabbagearse, #applegooch & *shudder* #bananalanger.