
Ryanair Call Again For 'Two-Drink Limit' After Massive In-Flight Brawl

If you're a nervous flyer, like m'good self, there is nothing that quite helps take the edge of the terrifying prospect of being in a plane then knocking back a few airport pints. Unfortunately, Ryanair have recently been calling for passengers to be set a maximum two drink limit in airports due to people consistently behaving like bell-ends when they get drunk before flights. This is why we can't have nice things.

Ryanair first called for the change in drinking policy in the UK airports they operate out of several weeks ago, after a surge in arrests for drunk and disorderly behaviour at UK airports over the last year.  Now, after a video emerged showing a woman, who it would be fair to say is the living antithesis of sobriety, getting involved in some rough-housing on board a Ryanair flight from Newcastle to Alicante, they have reiterated their calls for a limit to be imposed.

Click here to see the video.

Thankfully though, they only seem to be calling for the limit to be imposed in UK airports. This can only mean that Ireland's reputation as responsible and civilly respectful drinkers remains intact, and that we can be trusted to not cause a ruckus when we catch sight of a pint.

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