
'Local Hooligan' Sammy The Seal Makes Huge Splash As He's Ran Out Of Wicklow Town Shop

There's loads of hilarious tweets doing the rounds today in response to the bad weather but this is by far the best thing we've seen all day courtesy of user @Derek1052. Only in Ireland, would you see a mammal being chased by an irate fish monger!


It's worth noting that the fleeing seal is no straggler. Sammy's actually a bit of a superstar. And he's not just known around the Wicklow parts either, he's achieved recognition on an international scale. This video of him getting fish from the Lighthouse has racked up nearly a quarter of a million hits on Youtube.

While Sammy has global status, some people think he's a law on to himself.

Others were confused why the fishmonger wouldn't have expected him to rock into his store.

And user remarked that Sammy has a lot in common with a certain 90s soul singer.

We love this comparison and if anyone fancied doing a 'This is your life' style video for Sammy, we'd love a few of Seal's belters playing out in the background.

Also Read: Irish People Go Into Meltdown As The Country Gets Battered With Heavy Rain 

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