
The Way Booze Is Sold In Ireland Could Be Very Different Soon

The Irish love their alcohol... everyone on earth knows that. But has alcohol advertising and display gotten too out of hand? Some people think so... namely the Public Health Minister.

Marcella Corcoran Kennedy has proposed the introduction of 'booze curtains' which hide alcohol from display in stores.

"You'd expect [backlash] because we're talking about alcohol. I think it's probably because we have a culturally unusual relationship with alcohol," she told the Irish Independent.

As expected, not many people are happy with the idea of covering up alcohol - the drinks industry, shopowners and members of Government all hate it.

But Kennedy says they've already waived their right to have a say 'cause uh,
"People signed up to this. It's in the programme for Government. It's quite clearly in there that we are to enact the Public Health Alcohol Bill," she said.

"It was commenced in the Seanad last December which is over a year ago now. In that period of time another 1,056 have died as a result of alcohol misuse in Ireland".

There's no word yet on whether this will be passed but it's still interesting to debate, i.e. should alcohol be hidden away and requested like cigarettes in some countries? Or should it be advertised and on display, potentially introducing and encouraging people to drink? Hmmm.

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Emma is an editor and writer from Brisbane, Australia and has been living in Dublin since September 2016 after she decided warm weather and beaches were overrated. She now wears three pairs of trousers every day and loves it.