This Irish College Has Its Very Own Nap Room And We're Jealous AF

During those long days of lectures, chicken fillet rolls, tea and printing out missed lecture notes wouldn't it be nice to have somewhere to go and lay your head? When you're crying in the library and have 3 days to cram everything you've ever known into your brain imagine being able to take a break from it all, relax on a snug pillow and take solace in a quiet space.Trinity College Dublin has done just that - a nap room just for students.
The nap room, situated in Goldsmith Hall, is the first of many planned for the TCD campus. The promise of offering students spaces in which they could take a break was the brain child of TCDSU Welfare Officer Aoibhinn Loughlin who made it a focus of her campaign last year. The room includes couches for students to nap and relax with part of the room partitioned to have actual naps. TCDSU, according to The University Times, have made the student spaces one of their main priorities over the past two years with two additional break-out spaces for students recently opened on TCD campus. Both spaces are Room 4017 in the Arts Block and the mezzanine floor in the Hamilton Building.
I think it's time to push for nap areas in other campuses around Ireland!