USI Will No Longer Recommend A Religious Crisis Pregnancy Agency To Students

In a statement on their website, USI (Union of Students in Ireland) announced that they would be dissociating themselves from the Catholic crisis pregnancy support agency Cura. The union, or its members, will no longer include Cura in any of their USI material on sexual health and support.
USI President Michael Kerrigan spoke about the unions' decision in the statement:
Cura only provides two options during pregnancy counselling, which can cause unnecessary pressure and lack of knowledge for people to make an informed choice about what to do in an unplanned pregnancy.
Cura does not provide contact details for abortion clinics, or information on abortion services and as a result it does not give full support for pregnant people or their partners. USI will be cutting all ties from now on until Cura faces the reality that abortions happen in Ireland, and that people need support here at home before, during and after an abortion.
According to the agency's websites, Cura was founded by the Irish Bishops’ Conference, and the Cura Code of Ethics finds its origin and inspiration in the teachings of Christ. A service agency of the Catholic Church, the group's aim is to work in accordance with the compassionate vision and teaching of the Church.
The organisation offers a free service to secondary schools about sex education. According to their website, the agency is currently funded by the HSE and the Irish Bishops Conference.
USI is recommending students use the Irish Family Planning Association, Dublin Rape Crisis Centre, and Dublin Well Woman Centre if they need support during or after an abortion.