
Everyone's Tweeting About An Emotional Moment On RTÉ News Last Night

Most of us consider news bad news but sometimes a glimmer of hope manifests itself and stops us in our tracks. Last night it came in the form of the story of Nonso, a 14-year-old student from Tullamore who learned last week that he and his family will not face deportation.

Thousands of locals, his friends' and schoolmates signed a petition to stop Nonso and his family from being deported.

Muojeke's classmates traveled to Leinster House to deliver a 22,000 signature petition to Justice Minister Charles Flanagan.

After RTÉ News visited Nonso's and his classmates, well known Irish faces like James Kavanagh, Aisling Bea and Dustin The Turkey took to Twitter to share the special moment:

The heartfelt scene of classmates crying of happiness for their friend served as inspiration for thousands of people around the country and gave many people hope for the next generation:

Nonso's father died in 2006 and the family, Nonso, his Mother, and brother, moved to Ireland the following year. Nigerian custom automatically meant that Nonso's mother became the property of her brother in law. Mrs. Muojeke and her children were mistreated by her brother in law and the family fled the country.

Nonso hopes to pursue basketball and get a scholarship to study in America.

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