
Opinion: 'When Is The Government Going To Do Something About How Mild It Is?'

It's a disgrace Joe.

The 15th of November and you can barely leave the house wearing more than a string vest. I don't know what's going on any more. If Donald Trump is right and global warming is just a Chinese hoax, then can they please stop now? The jig is up!

It's time the government took action. How mild does it actually have to get before Enda Kenny gets off his arse and does something about it? We're the laughing stock of the world. You wouldn't see the likes of this shit in Sweden!

So far the only member of the Oireachtas who has responded to us with any comment on the weather is Danny Healy Rae.*

*May not have actually responded.

The whole country is in a state of flux. My housemate still has the heating on every night because, well, it's November and that's what you generally do. So there I am, lying in the bed with the window wide open and the radiator on full blast. I know I could just turn it off but I've every right to have my radiator on, it's on the government to sort out the unseasonable warmth.

And then there's the whole issue of winter coats. Do we put them away again? They've only just been taken out! What about cattle? There's growth but ground is too wet to leave them out and the shed is too warm to keep them in. What the hell are our farming community supposed to do?

It's that Gerry Murphy who's responsible. Every time he does the weather he always makes it mild. Evelyn Cusack; now there's a woman knows how to bring about a good frost. Stop the madness now!

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