17 Tips To Help You Save Money For That Holiday Fund

Booking a holiday boosts your endorphins and gives you something to look forward to, especially when the weather is just pure miserable. The most stressful part of booking any holidays is saving the funds you'll need for your trip. Well, stress no more! Put the head down for a few weeks and you'll have enough money to eat and drink the week away. Here are some money saving tips to top up your holiday fund:
1). Wait 30 days
The urge to buy something straight away can do serious damage to your pocket. Think about it for 30 days before you decide if you really need that Father Ted box set.
2). Plan ahead
Make a list of things you need in the foreseeable future. It might be clothing, college supplies or cosmetics. Be prepared for the costs.
3). Quit smoking
Yes, I know. You can hate me all you want but it's sure to save you a bundle of cash. If the struggle is real switch your cigarettes to vaping or swap the carton for rollies. In the long run, it's better for your health to quit but I ain't no preacher.
4). Swap your Netflix for the library
Those subscriptions can be a life saver but if you go down to your local library you can rent movies, books and CDs and it's all free. Try it for a month or two and save that dollar.
5). Grocery list
Write a list of everything you'll need for the week and plan your meals around that list, stick to it like glue. If you buy long lasting items at least once such as salt, beans or chillies you can add them to basic dishes to spice up your life and you won't have to buy them again for ages.
6). The 10-second rule
When you pop something in the basket think about it for 10 seconds. Do you really need that oversized tub of peanut butter?
7). Bulk buy
Go to shops like Dealz or co-ops where you can buy toilet paper, cereal and beverages in large quantities that are cheaper together.
8). Prep meals
Prep everything for the week ahead. Spend one-night making dishes like lasagne, shepherds pie and rice dishes and pop them in the freezer.
9). Wash your hands
Washing your hands is an expense saving method 'cause your less likely to get sick and spend money on medicine and doctors appointments!
10). Walk
Keep yourself fit and entertained by going for a walk or by doing a workout at home. Get your family or friends to join in so it's a funnier experience. Scrap that gym membership for 3 months and save the dosh.
11). Swap your shop
If you're shopping in a more upmarket shop then you'll notice the cash pile up when you swap to a less expensive shop. Remember food is a necessity, not a luxury, so don't go spending all your money on it.
12). Change your hygiene products
Swap your bits and bobs for cheaper options. Instead of that nice smelling shower gel that's 10 euro buy one for 2 quid and get over yourself.
13). Look after your clothes
Wash your clothes at the right temperature so you don't have to constantly replace your basic bits and bobs.
14). Limit your drinking
I know it's boring but keep the costs low by not drinking out but stay in. Play a bit of beer pong and have the friends around. It's better than waking up in financial ruin.
15). Change your phone network
The cheaper the better...
16). Get your mates to join you on the dark side
Have your friends over for drinking games, make food, watch TV or go to events that are cheap or free and you won't feel like you're missing out.
17). Reuse your old holiday gear
I know it's tempting to raid Penney's before your break away but try and reuse old shorts or tops from last summer to save you that buck. Buy a small set of travel containers from your local Dealz or Penney's and fill them up with stuff from home so you're not spending money on cosmetics when you land.
Nobody said it was easy...