10 Tips To Help You Flirt Better

Some people are natural flirts, born to charm. Some however aren't as fortunate, but if you're not quite so gifted don't think that you can't ascend to new romantic heights. With some simple tips and a bit of common sense, you can be up there with the best of 'em.

1. Confidence... Not Arrogance

You don’t want any mixed messages here; you’re attracted to them and are doing something about it. There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance though, so make sure you don’t come across as a dick.

2. Play it cool

On the other hand, you don’t wanna come across as too keen, you need to leave a little bit of mystery. Be confident, but be cool.

3. Eye contact

Look them right in the eyes and let them know you’re giving them 100% of your attention, it’s them you’re interested in and no one else. DO NOT, I repeat, do not stare for too long..

4. Smile

Because frowning makes you look like a complete moron...

5. Let them talk

They certainly are! Generally people are most at ease when they’re talking about themselves, so give them an opportunity to do so. This will almost certainly lead to a sustained period of boredom, but who cares if you manage to seal the deal.

6. Lots Of Compliments

Complimenting someone lets them know you're are interested... Giving someone too many compliments makes you come across like a strange stalker, this look is to be avoided at all costs...

7. Physical contact

At this point the touch barrier must be crossed. If they recoil, probably best to quit while you’re ahead. Keep it within the realms of public decency though, public groping is more of a second date kinda thing.

8. Body language Is Key

Actions speak louder than words and the manner in which you hold yourself can make all the difference. Proximity is also important, the closer you are, the closer you are.

9. Don’t be scared of rejection

This one is about dusting yourself off and moving on the the next one

10. Leave them wanting more

Eventually you'll have to leave their company but you'll never want to leave their thoughts. The world runs on supply and demand, so take control of the supplies.

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