19 Selfies That Are Way Better Than Any Of Yours

'Selfie' was chosen by Oxford Dictionary as the word of the year last year, and its easy to see why. Everyone loves a good selfie, and will not hesitate to take one if the opportunity presents itself. I realise that most of you will have already seen a lot of these, but hopefully there's one or two gems that you haven't stumbled across until now.
Oscar Selfie
Since most of you will have seen this by now I thought I'd start with this one. The most retweeted tweet of all time, Ellen DeGeneres temporarily broke Twitter with this star-studded pic.
And of course it'd be rude not to mention the Simpsons version of the picture.
Around the World Selfie
Although selfies are usually photographs, this selfie definitely deserves a mention. Over the course of 3 years, Alex Chacon spent 600 days travelling to 36 countries around the world, creating the most epic of videos and making you very jealous in the process. Oh and if that wasn't bad enough, apparently he's still travelling. B*stard.
Space Selfie
Astronaut Steve Robinson takes a selfie during one of his 'space walks'. It's out of this world...... Get it?...... Out of this world?.... Sorry....
Rio's Jesus Statue Selfie
Lee Thompson appears to be just a random guy with a way with words, as he convinced Brazil's tourism board to allow him to take a pretty incredible selfie on top of the iconic Christ the Redeemer statue which overlooks Rio de Janeiro.
The video of Lee climbing out of the hatch for the first time before he takes the selfie is also pretty amazing and if anything just makes you more jealous of him.
Irish Rugby Team Selfie
It is definitely worth mentioning the Irish rugby team and Cian Healy, who took this brilliant selfie after they beat France away from home for only the second time in 6 Nations history to claim the Championship.
Danish Fighter Pilot Selfie
This pilot of an F-16 Jet is photo-'bombed' by the missile he has just launched... Get it? Bombed? By a missile? I'm hear all week folks.
Crazy Russian Guy Selfie
Kirill Oreshkin has made a hobby out of climbing really high buildings in Russia and taking selfies from precarious positions on top of these buildings. The best one is below, and you can see more on his Facebook page here. Told you he was crazy.
Walking Dead Selfie
Norman Reedus, who plays Daryl on the Walking Dead, took advantage of the unreal make-up of the extras on the show to take a pretty unique selfie.
Special mention as well must go to this girl who's make-up is insane.
Kicked In The Head Selfie
You're probably never going to recreate this selfie. Not that you'd want to in fairness. This doesn't make it any less hilarious though, so please watch and enjoy.
Exam Selfie
Apparently the origins of this selfie are unclear, as the guy who originally put up on twitter has since denied that it was him who took the picture, but either way although it's quite a unique selfie, we would not advise any pictures in their exam hall, however great the temptation might be among some of you Leaving Cert Students.
Randomly Epic Selfies
And finally just a small collection of epic selfies that you'll probably never do better than. This of course is a challenge, and I welcome any of our readers to send some in and prove me wrong!
And to finish off, we might as well have what is believed to be the world's first ever selfie, taken by Robert Cornelius in 1839. Apprently he had to keep this pose for between 3 and 15 minutes depending on the amount of light exposure he had. No way you'd able to pull off the peace and pout in those days and hold it for that long.