18 Cute Gestures That Even The Most Cynical Girl Secretly Loves

I'll be the first to admit that I'm one of the most cynical people I know. I don't tend to fall for the cheesy things like pickup lines, buying me a drink, and the like. But when you're in a relationship, some of these things are expected. And while I might tell you I hate these gestures, all us cynics secretly love them. So even if we say not to, you can still go ahead and do some of these for sure.
1. Kissing in the rain.
Yes, The Notebook might be the inspo for this one, but it's super romantic, okay?
2. Ice skating date in the winter.
Even though we'll look a bit like Bambi on ice, it's grand.
3. Dancing around the living room or kitchen.
Especially slow dancing.
4. Cute names for each other, like babe or sweetheart.
But definitely not out in public though. But in private, it kind of makes our hearts melt.
5. Surprising us with a homecooked meal.
The gesture is so nice, even if it's only some pasta.
6. Leaving cute notes for us.
The best thing to wake up to.
7. Champagne and strawberries.
The perfect cliche.
8. Flowers on a date.
So cheesy. So much love for it.
9. Breakfast in bed.
Maybe no pancakes, though.
10. A candlelit dinner.
Bonus points if it's something casual like pizza or Thai.
11. Calling just to hear their voice.
Or just to say 'I love you.'
12. Having a song.
And perhaps playing that song occasionally.
13. Unexpected gifts.
Nothing big or fancy, but nonetheless adorable and thoughtful.
14. A picnic in the park.
Away from the birds, of course.
15. Unexpected cute texts during the day.
Especially if they're a bit cheeky.
16. Kisses on the forehead.
Straight out of a romantic comedy. Swoon.
17. Cuddling just to cuddle.
Spooning without leading to forking, what a dream.
18. Getting tickets to see a band they like, just cause.
It shows you remembered what they're into and that is impressive enough as it is.
Video: 5 Things Guys Do That Girls Love (ft. D-Trix)
Credit: Superwoman.