6 Of The Worst Places To Be Caught Having Sex

You've just started a relationship with someone and you're both at it like rabbits on Viagra. Every time the opportunity arises, you two are on it and on each other. But have you ever thought, maybe this isn't the right place to be getting it on? Here are the six worst places to be caught having sex. Don't even think about it...
In a church.
I mean really? I don't see the whole sex appeal with old churches myself. Apart from it being horrendously offensive, there must be SOMEWHERE else nearby. Literally anywhere is better than this. Amen to that.
In your old school.
Just remember how lovely your school days were. Why would you want to ruin all of those memories by shagging someone on a desk? If you're going to do it anywhere at your old school, make sure you can lock the door at least. That's not a report you want to be sent home.
In your parents bed.
YOU HAVE YOUR OWN BED FOR A REASON. Unless you're homeless or your bed has caught on fire, there really is no justification for entering your parents private love space. Feeling grossed out? Then pick another bed, hopefully your own. Somewhere, anywhere where your parents haven't expelled their own body fluids. *Vom*
A hospital.
I mean, if you're in a hospital you shouldn't really be needing to or be able to have sex anyway. It's definitely one of the less hygienic places to get it on what with all the sick people about and everything. However, if you're a Doctor, this is probably the best place to be having sex, as long as no one can see you. Sneaky.
In a lecture hall.
That lecture hall may look empty, but chances are it either isn't at all or some people are about to interrupt you looking for their class. If you want to do it in college, pick somewhere you can easily hide behind if needs be. A manky toilet or lockable classroom, for example.
A museum.
Museums are very quiet places, so probably not a great starting point if you want to have some crazy loud sex. There are also a lot of silent people walking around who won't expect to see you humping like a maniac in the corner. Keeping silent could be a good turn on though. Maybe just keep it to the simple stuff here. Easy does it.