7 Signs You Have A Selfish Lover...

Have you been in a situation where your partner was rude to a waiter and it made them seem less attractive?There's a dominant person in every relationship, but do you feel like your partner is taking it a bit too far? Selfishness is a difficult trait to pin down on anyone, especially in the early stages of a relationship. So unless they physically won't let you share popcorn at the cinema, we have ten uncovered 10 easy ways to tell if you have a selfish lover;
They only really talk about themselves.
If they don't ask you how you are or how your day was when you see them, this isn't a good sign. Someone that's totally wrapped up in their own life will forget to appreciate those around them. You included.
They feel like everything bad or good only happens to them.
If your partner is constantly moaning about their life and how bad things only seem to happen to them, let them know that other people go through exactly the same thing and it's not a persecution. Otherwise, their moaning could start to annoy people, especially you.
They never listen to your side of the argument.
Even if your point is completely valid, you'll either be shot down immediately with a "No" or just be completely ignored. Stand up for yourself and get your point across. If you're right you'll feel amazing and if you're not, at least you gave it your best shot and probably shook his confidence a bit.
They don't consider other people's feelings, especially yours.
You've had a shit day at college and come home upset to your partner. Frankly they couldn't give less of a shit or haven't even noticed when you're quite clearly upset. Sort it out or get them out. That shit's just not on.
They give only to receive.
If every gift is followed by a request, you know your partner wants something. While this is ok every so often, if it becomes a regular occurrence then you need to say something. Relationships shouldn't be one sided and if you feel as though yours is going that way, tell your partner.
They're always on top.
If things continue to get selfish a la bedroom, you have two options. Either try and take control if you feel comfortable doing so or tell him that you want some more attention. He should respect you for saying so and he may even love it when you take control for once.
Their friends are far more important than yours.
Sometimes you'll feel like you're seeing their friends more than yours. There's always going to be a stage where one friend group is favored over the other when plans get busy, but make sure that your voice is heard when you ask to have your mates over. It's only right.