The First Things A Guy Will Notice About A Girl

When a guy first sees a girl there are a few things about her that he notices straight off the bat. Although they might seem like small things initially, together they add up and shape what a guy thinks about her. They're not all to do with her physical appearance and a lot of the time it's the small details about how she acts and comes across that really makes an impression. Here are the first things a guy will notice about a girl.
Her Smile
Guy's are attracted to a great smile and it makes a girl come across as being more open and friendly. It also means that she is more approachable and a guy is more likely to actually initiate a conversation with a girl that is smiling.
This covers a wide range of things and it's not always the girl with her head held high and back straight. A girl can still stand out if she is a little shy, as long as she doesn't have her arm over her forearm, because then it looks like she is incredibly uncomfortable.
Her Hair
Whether it's long and flowing or tight and coloured a girl's hair is always a distinguishing feature. If it's well looked after, guys will take notice and even if it's a bit messy as long as its clean we don't really mind.
A guy can tell a lot about a girl from her group of friends that she hangs around with. They say a lot about who she is, if they're fun and outgoing it will rub off on her as well. If her group of friends are loud and annoying, guys will be less likely to make a move and will be a bit intimidated.
Her Walk
The way a girl walks can say a lot about her, if it's a confident stride, she clearly means business. A lot of the time it's not always a strut that catches a guy's attention, just that subtle confidence in a way a girl carries herself.
How she looks at you
It's how she looks at people and more importantly, how she looks at you. Guys notice when a girl looks at them in a certain way and when she is giving off a certain vibe that she's into you.
It can reveal a lot about her personality and if she has a positive attitude guys can't help but be attracted to it. If she has more of a no bullshit attitude, then guys will know that it's better to be upfront and honest with them.
Her Style
Fashion isn't really a guy thing, but we do appreciate a girl with a unique style who isn't afraid to show it. When a girl has a look of her own, guys will take notice compared to a girl who is just another Zooey Deschanel rip off.
It's not so much about what a girl says, but how she says it and her tone of voice. It's another way of identifying their personality, if it's loud and assertive she is outgoing, if it's soft but confident she is a bit more laid back.
Her Body
We can't help but look in all fairness, but we're attracted to all different body types, so it's not always the skinny ones. Some guys, like myself, are into girls with a bit more shape and not the girl that is incredibly skinny. It's all about what's natural, guys will notice a girl that is comfortable in their own skin.
The Eyes
There is so much a guy can tell from a girl's eyes, especially when you're talking to them. It's the subtle things that a girl does with her eyes that guys notice. If a girl is looking at you attentively you will pick up on it and are more willing to invest in the conversation.