
Halloween Tutorial: Anonymous

It's October! Which means it's time to start thinking about your Hallowe'en costume! Make up artist extrodinare, Orla Byrne, will be doing a series of face painting ideas and tutorials. If you have any requests, send them into carpeorla2@gmail.com

Here's the much requested Anonymous mask tutorial. This look is VERY easy and great for both guys and girls. All you need is black and white facepaint, black eyeshadow and a pink blush!

Step One

Paint your face completely white.

This also doubles as a cute look for a night on the town with the girls....... not.

Step Two

Draw in the outline of the contours with a black eyeshadow and blend outwards to create depth. Use a picture for reference

Step Three

Use a pink blush to colour the apples of your cheeks only. Draw in the moustache, beard, eyebrows and eyeliner with black facepaint, again using a picture for reference. As I said, this look is super easy! Good luck!



Twitter: @OrlaByrne3

Instagram: @CarpeLife

Requests to CarpeOrla2@gmail.com

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21 year old makeup addict and college times style editor from south county dublin. Aspires to one day own a small dog and a big handbag. "The only real elegance is in the mind; if you’ve got that, the rest really comes from it."- Diana Vreeland