9 Tips To Having A Successful Long-Term Relationship In College

Is it possible to have a long-term relationship in college?
Some people will say your college years are a time to be single and have fun. They believe you should sleep with whoever you want and not have to worry about someone else. While this is great for a lot of people it's also okay to be going out with someone through college.
A lot of people shone those who stay in long term relationships saying, 'You're too young to be serious with someone'. Little do they know that having a serious boyfriend or girlfriend can be the best thing ever.
Here are some tips to having a successful long-term relationship in college.
1. Talk to them about your new experiences
Starting college can be scary time. It can be tough to be in a new environment, especially if you head to a college where you don't know a lot of people. Having a boyfriend or girlfriend to talk about these new experiences to, can really help make the transition easier.
2. Be honest, always
Keeping secrets from each other can literally make or break a relationship. It's important to tell them how you're feeling and open up about any worries or concerns before they build up.
3. Have sex as often as you can
This may seem like a no brain-er but it's proven that regular sex strengthens relationships. For women and men it releases hormones that make you feel closer.
4. Spend time away from each other
It's so important you have your own friends. Nothing is worse than when a couple break up and not only do they lose their boyfriend/girlfriend but also their group of friends too. Having your own friends and being able to spend time apart will actually strengthen your relationship and also means you'll look forward to seeing them more.
5. At the same time introduce your new friends to them
At the same time, it's also important to know their new friends as well. It can be nice to put a face to the new friends they've talked about and it means you'll bond through knowing their friends. It's all about balance.
6. Go on regular dates
The more inventive, the better. It's so important to be able to bond whether it's heading on a picnic, going to the cinema or having dinner together.
7. Introduce them to your family
This is essential. By knowing their parents you will most definitely become more apart of their family. By getting to know them, it will undoubtedly cement your relationship even further.
8. Be proud to show them off
There is literally nothing worse than a lad who won't introduce you to his mates or wont hold your hand in front of them. You should be proud of your partner and this is crucial to a successful relationship.
9. And finally...Don't be afraid of commitment
Long-term relationships are hard and they take work. It means not kissing people on nights out even when all your mates are. Remember although you might not be getting with loads of meaningless people on a night out, you are getting with one really meaningful person. I think that's worth more than every boy in Coppers combined.
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