Queen Delevingne

This week Danielle Breslin investigates what makes Brit Model of the Moment Cara Delevingne so sought after and so flamin' cool!
Cara Delevingne is easily the most talked about English model since Kate Moss came on the scene. Everybody in the fashion world is just going crazy over her. Especially since the 2012 campaign for Burberry came out, to which she is the face of, alongside actor/model Eddie Redmayne. Everywhere you look you will find something about ‘Queen Delevigne’. We have even seen celebrities turning up to fashion shows wearing t-shirts with her face on it….that’s when you know you’ve made it! Also being bff’s with Rita Ora and Rihanna will always help getting your face in the paper!
I personally have been stalking Cara Delevingne's career since she started modelling for ASOS. I literally purchased anything and everything she modeled on the website because it just looked AMAZING!! But what exactly is this new fascination with this girl?? I decided to investigate.
Cara is young, fresh and has a great sense of style and humour- which is not that commonly found amongst most of the most famous models in the world. I believe Cara gives off a vibe that is very relatable to her fans, she doesn’t take the modelling world too seriously, and has even been caught on record saying she doesn’t actually like ‘Cara the model’ but she getting a lot of money to do it …so who’s gonna complain about that?! [Click on the link above to watch Cara backstage at Burberry show]
Another reason, for her extreme popularity right now would have to be her own personal style. It could be described as very understated and a slightly ‘Grungy London look’. It is very different to how Cara the model is portrayed, and it's always nice to see they are actually HUMAN!!! Although we love to look at the stunning ensembles that are snapped on the catwalk, very few of us will ever be able to afford designer gear.l Maybe Cara's popularity is due to the fact that she is very-dare we say-normal. It's encouraging to admire a celebrity that has a more achievable look, while searching for our own personally style.
Now lets all grow bushy eyebrows and wear clothes that lets everybody know that we just don’t give a F*ck!!!! LONG LIVE QUEEN DELEVINGNE!!!