The Best Home Work Outs

By Conor Mc Hale
For anyone who can’t, or won’t, go to a gym, work out videos can be considered a Godsend. You can enjoy the benefit and knowledge of a fitness professional in the comfort and privacy of your own home and they’re not nearly as expensive as hiring a personal trainer to come to you. And with the arrival of Youtube, you can now get a wide range of videos and work outs for free.
Today I’m going to review a selection of work out videos currently on Youtube.
Kettlebell Bombshell
Lisa Balash is the creator of a series of fitness DVDs called Kettlebell Bombshell. She also posts videos of Kettlebell workouts online on Youtube. If you have access to Kettlebells then they are a great way to strengthen the whole body, build power and will also give you an effective cardio work out.
One of her videos entitled “Kettlebell Bombshell 10 minute workout” lays out a full body work out for you to follow. It’s short, sharp and intense and will get your heart rate up!
If you find you could work harder then try a heavier kettlebell or as Lisa suggests do more reps, alternatively do each exercise for a specified period of time as opposed to doing a certain amount of reps. For example, do as many reps as you can in 30 seconds. This will help build more power whereas doing more reps would help improve your muscles endurance capabilities.
Lisa has a wide range of kettlebell workout videos online covering various different goals and/or targeting specific body parts. If you enjoy kettlebell training than I would recommend you check them out.
[youtube id="hVN4Bkf2_-Y" width="620" height="360"]
HIIT Bodyweight Workout- Fast
The next workout can be done anywhere and requires no equipment and very little space. It is called “HIIT Bodyweight Workout- Fast, No Excuses At Home Cardio Workout”. It was posted on Youtube by FitnessBlender.
Like the kettlebell workout mentioned previously, this is a short, sharp, intense exercise routine. The idea of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is that you work as hard as you can during the work phase, and this type of training has been shown to improve fitness and burn fat. Due to its intense nature, the workout doesn’t take long so it won’t eat too much into your time and as the title of the video states, there are no excuses not to do it.
Like with any exercise routine, it is important to do a proper warm up before you get into the main part of your session. The video doesn’t cover a warm up or cool down but they should not be forgotten. Do something that gradually increases in intensity. For example, you could walk on the spot and build up to jogging/running on the spot over the course of 5 minutes. If you find the workout as outlined in the video is not challenging enough than you could do the same exercises for a third round. As you progress, you could also reduce the rest in between rounds. For the cool down you could perform a stretching routine.
[youtube id="KtPZPLZG0JE" width="620" height="360"]
Bodyweight Strength Training
The final video is called “Bodyweight Strength Training without Weights/Bodyweight Exercise Training Workouts/Hasfit” and it was posted by KozakSportsPerform. Again, it can be done anywhere and you don’t need much space or any equipment to do it. One thing I like about this video is it demonstrates a body weight exercise for the shoulders, a muscle group that often gets forgotten in body weight programs. It also includes exercises that will target your core. It’s a short workout but you can add other body weight exercises to it and repeat the full set of exercises a number of times if you wish.
[youtube id="MGt7eCnR0UY" width="620" height="360"]
When it comes to working out at home…
There are lots of workout videos online which use different training methods or target specific body parts. Depending on your goals, certain ones may suit you better than others. Have a look around and use the ones most suited to helping you meet your goals.