
25 Things You Wish You Had In Your House

Obviously most of this will probably be out of your price range at the moment, but when your rich and famous, here's a list of things you should get for your house. Or if money already isn't a problem, feel free to start into the list as soon as possible!

Trap Door Wine Cellar

Much cooler than just having a shelf or a fridge to store your wine.

Floor Cleaning Robot

That doesn't scratch your hardwood floors. If you're fancy enough to have hardwood floors. Which I suppose you would be if you were able to buy the robot... Anyway, moving on.

Sandbox Desk

Because why the hell not?

Communal BBQ Table

Although the man of the house will probably still insist on cooking all of the meat.


I might take up reading again just to give myself a valid excuse to buy this chair. Actually I don't need to read, I'll just buy books and make it look like I do, and impress everyone.


One of the coolest things on a list of extremely cool things, which is saying something.

Portable Glow Balls

Sorry I didn't really know how else to describe them. You get the idea anyway.

Gramophone Bluetooth Speaker

Nearly as cool as the bunk-bed chair. Nearly.

Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker

As if you don't spend long enough in the shower as it is. Plus you don't want to ruin your sexy gramophone by bringing it into the shower.


Walking up stairs is more tiring than it looks, and sometimes you deserve a nap by the time you make it to the top.

Wall Extension Cord

This makes so much sense I don't know why this is the first I'm seeing of it.

Aquarium Sink

The only issue with this is remembering to feed the fish, otherwise you'll just be depressed every time you go to wash your hands.

Aquarium Toilet

To match your sink.

Magnetic Hangers

So unnecessary, but so so slick.

Laser-Guided Pizza Cutter

Okay no wait, this is unnecessary.


Hide-and-seek just moved up a level. I'm more excited about the idea of this than I should be.

iPhone Toaster Charger

It is unclear from the photo whether or not the phones pop up when they're finished charging, but I really hope they do.

Beer Tap

Those kegs can be a nightmare to pour out of so this can get rid of an awful lot of hassle.

Sunken Trampoline

I think I'd just about prefer a pool in my garden over this, but only just.

Cool Table

Apparently it's just layers of glass and wood stacked on top of each other, but obviously this makes it sound way simpler to make than it actually is.

And Another One

Same with this one. Pick your favourite, or why not have both?

Wall Hoover

This is like the thing from the Carlsberg ad a few years ago! Very surprised it took this long to invent.

The ad in question:

Multi-Function Sink Unit

I imagine Batman would have a sink like this if Alfred didn't do all of his cooking for him.

James Bond's Pool

You know the way I said that the bunk-bed couch was on of the coolest things on this list? Well this is the coolest.

Staircase Slide

Because walking down the stairs is just so boring.

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David has the most relevant qualifications of all of the writers at CollegeTimes, having just completed 3 years of an Electrical Engineering degree in UCD.