This Is 'Nad Bilzerian' - The Poor Man's Dan Bilzerian

Girls, guns and gambling are recurring themes on Bilzerian’s Instagram, but a major reason he’s able to live the lifestyle that he does is that he has millions of dollars.

But, if he wasn’t super rich, his feed would look slightly different. In fact, his pics would probably resemble those of Nad Bilzerian, a self-proclaimed poor man's Dan, who is only an occasional Gambler.

He might not be as legendary as Dan, but he’s doing what he can with the resources that he has.

Two chicks at the same time

The Executive Suite

His pool parties are off the chain

Nad Bilzerian rides in style no matter where he’s going

He only hangs with the hottest girls

He’s a gambler, too (but the stakes are slightly lower)

Gun fever is alive and well

I’m surprised he’s flying commercial in the first place

Racks on racks on racks

Fish Tanks: The Ultimate Status Symbol

Leo’s yacht in Rio has nothing on this


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