10 Things To Do Immediately After Getting Dumped

Getting dumped is rough. But you should realise, if you don't already, that it's a blessing in disguise. You suddenly have so much more freedom and time, and most importantly, you'll be able to find someone better. But before you can move onto pastures decidedly greener, there's a little checklist you need to consult. We'll have you back on the meat market in no time and you'll get a fresh reminder of all those things that can happen when you ask someone out. Here are 10 things to do immediately after getting dumped:
10) Find a new hobby
Yoga, beekeeping, even fucking stamp collecting; just do something to keep yourself occupied. You can't mope if you're too busy, and you'll get through the rough patch without even realising it.
9) Put down the phone
Stop checking your phone for possible messages from your ex who has just realised what a huge mistake they've made and that they need you back. Those messages aren't going to come and if they did, you'd be a sap to fall for them.
8) Take a holiday
You're allowed treat yourself at this moment in time so just go for it, you deserve that holiday you've been putting off for awhile.
7) Get fit
Many of the newly single fall into the Fat Trap as they try to fill that hole in their heart with an unholy amount of saturated fat. Instead, put your energies into getting hotter; this of course help your future romantic chances but more importantly it will sicken your ex to see you improve. You wanna win this break-up, dammit.
6) Dump all the relationship mementos
You know, unless it's shit that's actually worth keeping.
5) Delete your ex's number and de-friend them on Facebook
Remove temptation to prevent Drunk You from doing something Sober You will probably regret.
4) Focus on something else
Maybe work or studying could occupy some of that mental space you've just freed up.
3) Have a massive blow-out
A break-up is the perfect excuse to plan a party, a big night out, or an all-day drinking session with your mates. This is your reintroduction to single life and it does have its perks.
2) Make future plans
You don't have the burden of having to worry about someone else when considering major life decisions anymore, so if you wanna to move to the other side of the world or go backpacking, the world is your oyster.
1) Join Tinder
Ah modern technology: it's truly wondrous in its ability to help you realise all your most depraved fantasies. You weren't able to enjoy Tinder when you were all loved up but now you've downloaded it and you're free to arrange sexual encounters with strangers from the comfort of your own snuggie.