If you think there's a more iconic show than the Simpsons, I dare you to name it. The Simpsons is one of the best shows ever (fact) and its endless references fill our lives with joy every day. But how much do we actually know about our favourite Springfield family? Probably not a lot, actually. Some of these facts blew mah mind. Here's some Simpsons facts you never knew:
1. Whenever Bart prank calls Moe’s Tavern, he dials the number 764-84377... it spells out “SMITHERS”.
2. Many of the characters’ last names are taken from street names in Groening’s hometown of Portland, Oregon like Evergreen Terrace, Flanders Street and Van Houten Avenue.
3. The length of the couch gag depends on how long the episode is i.e. if it runs too short, they add more stuff in.
4. Someone strung together McBain clips:
5. Milhouse's middle name is Mussolini
6. Springfield hillbillies Cletus and Brandine have 44 children including Gummy Sue, Birthday, Crystal Meth, Dubya, Incest, Stabbed in Jail, Tripod, and Embry Joe.
5. In 1997, a house was built in Clark County, Nevada that is an exact replica of the Simpsons’ home as a grand prize for a contest run by Fox and Pepsi. The winner could choose to either stay in the house or receive a $75,000 prize. They kept the house but redecorated. Here's what it looks like today:
6. Ned Flanders is actually 60 years old!
7. Send Homer’s email, ChunkyLover53@aol.com, an email - you'll get a reply.
8. Nancy Cartwright accidentally knocked over Danny Devito before he recorded the dialogue for Uncle Herb.
9. Homer was meant to be Krusty all along but they ditched the idea after realising it'd be too hard to keep up.
10. Michael Jackson had to be credited as John Jay Smith in ‘Stark Raving Dad' because of contractual obligations.
11. ‘Bart Gets An F’ is still the highest rated episode of all time.
12. The Simpsons hold the Guiness World Record for most guest stars in a TV series.
13. FOX owns the rights to The Simpsons until 2082.
14. Homer is the only character to have dialogue in every episode.
15. Paul McCartney’s only demand if he came onboard as a guest star was that Lisa remained a vegetarian forever. And she has.
16. The episode ‘Kamp Krusty’ was gonna be used as the plot for a Simpsons movie.
17. ‘Radioactive Man’ was the first Simpsons episode to be digitally coloured.
18. To date, there are 615 episodes.
19. Apart from working at the nuclear power plant, Homer has had 187 other jobs over the course of the show.
20. The Simpsons have been to every continent.
21. The show popularised the use of the word “meh”.
22. From 1991-1993, Conan O’Brien was a writer and producer for the show.
23. Producer Al Jean wants to end the final episode of The Simpsons with the arrival at a Christmas pageant like the first episode, making the entire show one continuous loop.
Now you're on the trolley.