
Students Receive Their Leaving Cert Results With High Inflation Expected Yet Again

Students Receive Their Leaving Cert Results With High Inflation Expected Yet Again

It’s that time of the year again where all the worries and stress of the Leaving Certificate come back for 61,000 students, as they received their grades and points from the state exam.

It’s undoubtedly a nerve wrecking, nail biting moment as students either open their results letter or log on to the portal to check their final results. Over the past few years, with the predicted grading system brought in due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students have seen a dramatic inflation and increase to many college courses.

Earlier in the summer, Minister for Education, Norma Foley pledged that grades would be “no lower” than last year’s record grades, to ensure students are not disadvantaged by the class of 2021. Calls have been made by universities around the country to stop the inflation of grades with

President of NUIG Prof Ciarán Ó hÓgartaigh saying it was doing an “injustice” to students. Ó hÓgartaigh said it was making it harder for universities and colleges to identify high achieving students for high point courses.


Although Leaving Certificate students will have to wait until Thursday the 8th of September for offers on potential college courses through the CAO and until the 19 th of September for the second round of offers, it’s certainly a weight off many people’s shoulders to find out their results.

The general consensus on social media is that the majority of people are happy with their results, but that worrying factor of points inflation remains on a lot of people’s minds.

This stressful period for students shouldn’t be as intense as it is, and nowadays, there’s plenty of ways for people to find back routes into their desired courses as opposed to the system in place years ago.

CollegeTimes Staff
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