
Behind the Scenes of Emily Ratajkowski's GQ Photo Shoot

We're big fans of Emily Ratajkowski here at CollegeTimes, in fact we'd like to think it was us who initially lifted the lid on this unbelievable looker when we featured her as our name to remember way back when.

Now some might say that she's famous for being naked but to that we say a big Thank You to Emily, for without you 'Blurred Lines just wouldn't have been as fun...

Here's a little teaser from her GQ shoot with the controversial Terry Richardson reminding us why she stole summer...

The full shoot is available here 



Oh and if you have some time to spare / procrastinate a lil here's the X rated version of Blurred Lines...

Shane Johnston
Article written by
Editor for CollegeTimes, UCD graduate and music lover. shane@collegetimes.com

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