
11 Drunken Stories That Will Make Your Ma Cry With Shame

11 Drunken Stories That Will Make Your Ma Cry With Shame

We've all been there - the blackouts, the drunken walk home, waking up covered in our own sick and other less than pleasurable sensations. Some of us though have visited that place more frequently than others which has often resulted in drunken stories that spread fear in the hearts and minds of people around the world. Although those stories are usually feckin' hilarious though! Here are some of the most cringe-worthy and funniest drunk stories we could find that'll give you sober fear:

1. John

"I was in a nightclub on Harcourt street. Somehow I managed to get into the VIP area and some guy was giving me and a friend bottles of vodka - yes, bottles of vodka. I woke up in a private bathroom area were the door was being kicked in by a bouncer. I was lifted outside by two bouncers and left on Harcourt street. A homeless man woke me up to inform me that someone had robbed my phone from pocket. I got my phone back but my dignity is still somewhere on Harcourt street."

2. Maria

"I got sick all over my Mam's new carpet and all over the back of a taxi - all in the same night. The worst thing was I had so many strawberry daquiris that everyone thought I was throwing up blood that my family called an ambulance."

3. Eimer

"I swapped clothes with a guy on O' Connell street. He was wearing a tiger onesie and I was wearing a jump suit. I left my wallet down on the pavement for a second and the next minute some guy grabbed it and was running up the street. I chased after him in a tiger onesie with my heels on and by the time I went back to the guy in my jump he'd left. I went around town for the rest of the night in a onesie."


4. Kian

"One night in America I was kissing this gorgeous girl. I was delighted with my life. Next minute I woke up beside my brother on a couch in some random park with both our watches gone, our wallets and phones and both of us were covered in sick. I'd probably shift her again if I got the chance like."

5. Jamie

"I woke up on the rooftop of an apartment block when I was on my J1 in New York. I had a burn mark on the side of my face and my mouth tasted like sandpaper. I still don't know how I ended up there!"

6. Sinead

"I drunkenly sexted my on and off boyfriend  to come over 'cause my parents were away. I texted my family group chat instead of the guy."


7. Shane

"I had a few people over one night after the club. Everything went pretty well and we didn't wake anyone up, especially not my Mam. I was sitting at the breakfast table the next morning and my Mam bent over. She picked up a bag of white powder from the floor that had fallen out of someones pocket - I died inside."

8. Aidan

"I was so drunk I thought it would be a great idea to steal part of a famous statue of an American President. The part was returned but the shame lives on!"

9. Mark 

"I was in a kebab shop and some guy was rolling around the floor in search of something. I asked him did he need a hand and he turned to me and asked me to help him find his false teeth that had fallen out. No only did I get down on my knees to help him out I found his teeth and then proceeded to put them in my mouth. I'm disgusting."


10. Lauren 

"I had an awful stomach bug the day before and decided to go out drinking the next night. Halfway through the night out I was sent home drunk. I woke up the next morning in absolute bits. I smelt awful and didn't know what had happened. Apparently my stomach bug came back during the night and I had to be carried out of the toilets covered in my own you know what."

11. Gemma

"I drunk dialled everyone in my phonebook trying to order Dominos at half 4 in the morning . I never got the Dominos and pissed everyone off - including my boss."


The fear is alive...


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