
Disney Are Selling A Groot Cup – And We Need It Right Now

Disney Are Selling A Groot Cup – And We Need It Right Now

This cup is too cute to function. This straw cup is going viral and for good reason, it features a baby potted Groot. If you don't believe us, feast your eyes on this:


New DISNEYLAND CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE OFFICIAL "GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL.2""BABY GROOT SIPPER CUP"......... COMES WITH THE EXCLUSIVE "DISNEYLAND OFFICIAL GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL.2" "Limited Edition" MOVIE PREMIERE PIN ........ **************************************** THIS GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY "BABY GROOT SIPPER CUP" COMES FROM THE New DISNEYLAND CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE RIDE / ATTRACTION ... "GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY MISSION BREAK-OUT"..... **************************************** THESE "DISNEYLAND BABY GROOT SIPPER CUPS" ARE ALREADY BEING SOLD ON MANY "ONLINE SELLING SITES" LIKE : ( EBAY -- AMAZON -- ETSY ) FOR PRICES STARTING AT : ( $44.95 -- $49.95 -- $50.00 -- $65.00 And EVEN HIGHER ) GET YOUR "OFFICIAL DISNEYLAND BABY GROOT SIPPER CUP" HERE FOR A VERY LOW PRICE ......... ONLY .... $34.93 PLUS SHIPPING **************************************** TO GET YOUR "BABY GROOT SIPPER CUP" JUST GO TO OUR "ONLINE DISNEY STORE LINK BELOW ......... www.DisneyHQSelects733.ArtFire.com **************************************** OR YOU CAN JUST EMAIL US AT : ( hotfry97@gmail.com ) And WE CAN SEND YOU AN "EMAIL INVOICE REQUEST" TO COMPLETE YOUR PAYMENT ........ #Disneyland #DisneyCaliforniaAdventure #WDW #WaltDisneyWorld #Starbucks #Marvel #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyVol.2 #GROOT #IAmGROOT #TeamBabyGROOT #StarLord #Gamora #Rocket #BabyGroot #BabyGrootSipperCup #instagood #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyMissionBreakOut #BabyGrootCup #BabyGrootMug #latteart #disneymugs #ArtFire #EtsyShopPromotion #EtsyBuyers #iPHONE7 #iPHONE7Plus #SamsungGalaxyS8 #instamood

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The reason for the limited edition cup is to celebrate Disney California Adventure’s new ride: Guardians of the Galaxy Mission—BREAKOUT! There have already been some insane queue times for the ride, with some people waiting up to 5 hours to give it a go.



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However, one burning issue is that the cups are only on sale in Disneyland theme parks, (sad face) and are going for a steep $12.95 with a drink included. Don't despair however, as some smart business people have been selling the "I Am Groot" cups on Ebay. At the time of writing, the cups are going for around €20 online, which isn't the worst price.

To be honest, we'd buy it just to show up to parties with it. Come on, it's so bloody cute.


Got my #babygrootcup at #hollywoodstudios today! @hollywoodstudios

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[Main Image: Instagram/disneyhqselects33]

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