
Quiz: Iceland Or Ireland, Can You Tell The Difference?

Quiz: Iceland Or Ireland, Can You Tell The Difference?

Don't worry this is not some sort of covert means of testing your patriotic understanding of the country, financed by some ultra-nationalist sect of Sinn Féín - or just Sinn Féin. It is simply a harmless quiz. A spot of innocent good fun. But bear in mind if you do get a score of less than 60%, your passport will be confiscated by armed men calling to your door in the dead of night. You will then have 'traitor of the state' daubed on your door with foal's blood.

Given that there is only one letter in the difference between Ireland and Iceland, this seems a suitably flimsy and arbitrary reason to use as a premise for a quiz. Can you tell the difference between these two remarkably different nations? In all likelihood, yes, yes you will.


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