
Rihanna Hits Back At Daily Mail's Liz Jones

Yesterday at 21.52, Liz Jones (writer for the Daily Mail) wrote an article giving out about Rihanna saying she is an awful role model and listed out all of her mishaps in the previous few years. Click here to read Liz Jones article.


Jones said how Rihanna is an awful role model to young impressionable girls with her 'fake nails' and 'fake hair' her obsession with guns and how she reunited with Chris Brown.

The article did not receive positive feedback as fans hit back in comments by saying Rihanna never asked to be a role model and called Liz a "sad old spinster".

Rihanna then proceeded to post  a terrible looking photo of Liz Jones on Instagram (pictured below) and wrote the following in the comment box...




LOL!!!! My money got a bad habit of pissing people off!! If you sincerely wanna help little girls more than their own parents do, here's a toxic tip: don't be amateur with your articles, you sound bitter! What's all this about hair and nails and costumes and tattoos?? ....That shit ain't clever!!! That shit ain't journalism! That's a sad sloppy menopausal mess!!! Nobody over here acts like they're perfect! I don't pretend that I'm like you, i just live... My life!! And I don't know why y'all still act so surprised by any of it!! "Role Model" is not a position or title that I have ever campaigned for, so chill wit dat! I got my own fucked up shit to work on, I'll never portray that as perfect, but for right now it's ME!! Call it what ya want!! Toxic was cute, Poisonous Pop Princess had a nice ring to it, just a lil wordy! And P.S. my first American Vogue cover was in 2011...APRIL!!! #ElizabethAnnJones

 What do you think of the situation?



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