
Sophia Bush Reading Brooke Davis' Best 'One Tree Hill' Lines Is Too Much To Handle

Sophia Bush Reading Brooke Davis' Best 'One Tree Hill' Lines Is Too Much To Handle

If ever there was a US television progamme that pulled at the heartstrings of teen anghst it was One Tree Hill. Don't get me wrong, we all loved it and saw so much of our own lives in the storylines of these 20-something-year-old beautiful teenagers, who all seemed to live in their own mansions without a sign of a parent, and spend their days philosophising and hosting pool parties.

While personally I prefered the lines of prose Lucas would quote at the start of each episode, many people's favourite character was Brooke Davis; the cheerleader who - to quote many GAA commentators in Ireland - threw off the shackles and blossomed into a thriving fashion designer and businesswoman as the series developed.

Now, five years on from the show's final episode, Sophia Bush has relived some of Davis' greatest lines and added in her own nostalgic musings. Grab the tissues because there won't be a dry eye in the house after this.


Also Read: 9 UNREAL Songs You Only Know Because Of TV Shows

Hat-Tip: Bustle

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