
The Trailer For The Late Late Toy Show Is Here!

The Trailer For The Late Late Toy Show Is Here!

It stands to reason that for every comprehensively weird television programme there must also exist a trailer equally comprehensive and equally weird in its scope. Let The Late Late Toy Show be no exception to this rule.

With the show less than two weeks away, it is time that we as a nation brace ourselves for watching Ryan Tubridy skirt the difficult line between lightly mocking a child on national television for our collective viewing pleasure, and utterly humiliating a child on national television causing some sort of massive scandal that engulfs his career in a vortex of denegratory opinion pieces and official rebuke from his employers.

In order to prepare us for this, the trailer for what typically takes the place as the most viewed programme on terrestrial television, has been released by RTÉ. While it tells us absolutely nothing about the show, with regard to what particular theme it will be deploying, it is nothing if not a sweepingly generic and endearing piece of televisual gaiety.

The trailer shows dozens of people attired in broadly Christmas clothes flocking to the streets in some mad, unspecified quest, taking to thoroughfares and clogging roadways on all manner of vehicles - as if perhaps fleeing some type of horrifying festive disaster. It culminates with this rapidly expanding horde arriving at Ryan Tubridy's house, perhaps seeking amnesty and shelter from the plight that they are fleeing - to errantly speculate, some airborne pathogen which specifically targets those wearing seasonally garrulous clothing.


With the Toy Show's airing, on Friday 30 November at 9.35pm, now imminent it seems that we may now allow ourselves to embrace the fact that we are truly in the build-up to Christmas.

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