
Will Ferrell Top 5

By Matthew Carolan

Anchorman 2  hits the big screen in December and will once again feature Hollywood's most in demand funny man for the last ten years, Will Ferrell. His unique style of humour, imploring commotion and loud noises is now iconic within the industry. Some like him and some hate him, but whether or not you enjoy the films of Will Ferrell, you can’t argue that he is one of the most successful comedy actors of our generation. Here is a rundown of the pubehead’s top five finest movies.


5) Zoolander (2001)

The movie famous for a perched lip pose called ‘Blue Steel’ is a cult classic and one of Ferrell’s best performances. This was probably his first real role that got him any acclamation. Jacobim Mugatu is the character of a kingpin fashion guru in the corrupt industry. The acting is over the top and there’s a laugh a minute - a credit to Ferrell - whose performance is the most memorable in the film. His bizarre appearance and strange accent can only induce laughter.

Let me show you Derelicte! It is a fashion, a way of life inspired by the very homeless, the vagrants, the crack whores that make this city so unique.



4. The Other Guys (2010)

In a modern day Manhattan, desk cop Will Ferrell and the sidelined Mark Wahlberg step up to the plate and become New York’s newest heroes when the top cops - noted for causing millions of damage to their city through reckless driving and needless explosions - die through nobody’s fault but their own. This good cop, bad cop routine is a tried and tested formula that never fails. On a comedy level, it surprised a lot of critics and is considered one of the better in the past few years. As for Ferrell, he steers away from his usual loud antics and adopts a calm, geeky father figure role to the hot headed Wahlberg. Their chemistry on screen is excellent and Wahlberg has since stated how hard it was not to laugh on screen, when working with Ferrell.

You turned my beautiful Prius into a nightmare!

3. Step Brothers (2008)


The story of two middle aged men whose divorced father and mother wed and force the two to bunk up, against their will. Directed by Adam McKay, this tale is all about the performance of Ferrell. His relationship with John C. Riley is excellent, but ultimately, it is Ferrell who leads the way for Riley to follow. The recipe for laughs of kicking and screaming is instrumental within every scene involving the pair. Some of the better moments include the immature  arguments and name calling by the duo. There are rumours of a sequel circulating but personally, I think it’s a comedy masterpiece best left untouched.

I’ve travelled 500 miles to give you my seed

2. Old School (2003)

Frank The Tank is among some of the most iconic college movie characters of our time, up there with Stiffler and Van Wilder. Old School is the story of three men in their 30s who decide to start a fraternity and relive their college days. Ferrell’s character Frank is the newlywed at the start of their adventure. However, once he finally ties the knot with his spouse, he begins to spiral back into his old ways as a binge drinking socialite. He, Vince Vaughan (before he got shit) and Luke Wilson get up to various shenanigans and become the talk of the campus, until Dean Pritchard (Ari Gold) finds out and does everything in his power to stop them. Chaos ensues.

I’ll be in the neighbourhood later on, and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get some frozen yoghurt, or perhaps a whole meal if that would be agreeable.


1. Anchorman (2004)

Without a shadow of a doubt, this has to be the biggest comedy movie of our generation. I’d find it hard to believe there is a soul in college right now who can’t quote this movie. Set in a 70s San Diego, Ferrell plays Ron Burgundy, the big time news reporter with many leather-bound books and an apartment that smells of rich mahogany. He and his trusted news team are a happy go lucky
bunch, set in their ways, until Channel 4 decide to diversify their ensemble and add a female news anchor to the team. While the rest of the news team despise Veronica, Ron takes a fancy to the blonde lass and breaks out his A game. Sure enough, the two inevitably fall in love after a few hiccups along the way. Not only is the storyline and acting comically bright, but some of the quotes are more memorable than that of Shakespeare.

Ron Burgundy’s Best Lines:

  • I wanna be on you
  • I’m kind of a big deal. People know me.
  • Sweet Lincoln’s Mullet!
  • Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego. Which, of course means a Whale’s vagina.
  • I’m gonna punch you in the ovary
  • (picking his teeth)Ribs. I had ribs for lunch, that’s why I’m doing this.
  • I’ll have three fingers of Glenlivet, with a little bit of pepper and some cheese

That concludes Will Ferrell’s best movies, but there are a few cameos and other moments in film that Ferrell will always be remembered for and they are worth mentioning; Elf, Talladega Nights and of course, his brief un-credited appearances in Starsky and Hutch, Austin Powers and Wedding Crashers....


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Matt Carolan
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The hardest graft I've ever done is doing me hair

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