
16 Problems Only People Who Live On The Internet Will Understand

Why live in the real world when you can spend all your time trapped inside the bizarre depths of what goes on behind your computer screen?



You’ve already seen a meme hundreds of times before it eventually hits Facebook



And you’re bored of people messaging you ‘hilarious new things’ you found months ago



You can reach the end of the day and realise you haven’t spoken to anyone with your actual voice



You want to buy a cat just to make it internet famous



Your life will not be complete until you’ve made the front page of reddit



TV spoilers are your very greatest fear



So you stream American shows live in the middle of the night to avoid them



You mention internet things IRL and no one has a clue what you’re on about

This is why it's best not to speak to people.



You can’t understand how anyone couldn’t have a Twitter account



You judge your entire life’s success on likes, upvotes and retweets



You dress up as a meme for fancy dress and it’s too niche for anyone to know what you are

How can you not know Ikea Monkey?! That was huge.



You have lots of friends who you’ve never actually met in person



You feel obliged to follow people on Twitter who you know IRL, even though they are mind-numbingly dull on the internet



You always discover an amazing new subreddit or tumblr just as you were about to start working



Someone you like unfollowing you on Twitter is a soul-crushing experience



You know that even though it's pretty weird sometimes, it's the best place in the world to be

Sarah Power
Article written by
Unnatural blonde with a natural gift for wrapping presents. Never had one lesson. Big fan of Sex and the City, Eddie Vedder and men who have a good strong whistle. Hope to be a responsible woman one day, but for now I'm enjoying being a child in a woman's body. Pet peeve: People who abbreve everything.

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