
11 Of The Best Tweets That All Luas Passengers Will Understand

11 Of The Best Tweets That All Luas Passengers Will Understand

Catching the Luas is often a hell we wouldn't wish on our worst enemy, but most of the time it's just truly an entertaining experience.

Whether you're on the green or the red line, you'll likely recognise some of these gas tweets about the Luas that truly hit home:

1. Just your average red line tweet, indeed

2. Self confidence gets a boost from those windows


3. That Friday feeling

4. We can all learn valuable parenting skills

5. Eavesdropping is totally normal and so interesting. Child birth.... tell me more!


6. New skills are learned daily

7. Santa has to catch the Poo-as too


8. When the Luas offers a personal service

9. It's a mystery of this world

10. This is just pure filth

11. It's the story of all of our lives

Also read: An Aussie Shares 20 Thoughts About Catching Dublin Buses

CollegeTimes Staff
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