
Face Paint Tutorial: Venom

Ok so firstly I apologise for the appalling lack of photos, but there was a horrible mix up with a video camera and a lot of wasted ambition... so this was supposed to be a video and it's not, basically. This look is SO easy but looks extremely impressive... it's Venom!



Step 1

Draw your outline of the eyes and mouth in black facepaint (ps. don't you just love my just-out-of-the-shower boiled lobster look?)




Step 2

Fill in the eye area with white and draw in the teeth. Make sure to work the white through your eyebrows too if you have dark ones like me



Step 3

Draw in the tongue with some red facepaint


Step 4

Here's where the lack of pictures becomes evident. Ok there's a few steps rolled into one here. Firstly, outline the mouth in red. Secondly, add some shading to the tongue with a little bit of black eyeshadow. Thirdly, fill in all the gaps with black. Fourthly, add some random green drool lines to the mouth and then finally add some black lines trailing across your shoulders. Hey presto! You're terrifying!







Twitter @OrlaByrne3

Instagram: @CarpeOrla


Orla Byrne
Article written by
21 year old makeup addict and college times style editor from south county dublin. Aspires to one day own a small dog and a big handbag. "The only real elegance is in the mind; if you’ve got that, the rest really comes from it."- Diana Vreeland

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