
You Can Now Find Out How Popular Your Birthday Is

You Can Now Find Out How Popular Your Birthday Is

When we sing "It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to", well, technically it's not just your birthday. Surprisingly, a lot of people share the same birth date as you.

Although it can feel like we're the only ones celebrating our birthdays there are thousands of others around the country celebrating at the same time. We all have those moments when we're in shock that someone has the same birthday as you and sometimes it feels like an absolute fluke.

Now, the Central Statistics Office (CSO) has created a chart that gives you the low down on your birthday with the results revealing what dates are the most popular and least popular days to be born in Ireland. The data was collected from 1980 to 2014 so if you're born in the last 34 years you can find out how unique your birthday is.

The most popular birth month is July and the least popular month to be born is February. The ten most popular days to be born are:

  1. October 1st
  2. September 23rd
  3. September 29th
  4. September 27th
  5. September 22nd
  6. September 26th
  7. September 24th
  8. September 30th
  9. September 20th
  10. September 25th

Click here to find out how popular and unique your birthday is.

Also Read: Hundreds Of Irish Extras Needed For A New Epic Netflix Show

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